Daniels Orlovs


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16. feb 10:53

ADD ME: Instagram- l1nkystyle Swarm- Daniels Orlovs Snapchat- l1nkystyle ADD ME Ugunī kalts, jūrā rūdīts! © Profile Origin...
  • V-diena: 30. decembris
  • -The ultimate measure of a person is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good -I'm goin, I'm goin, I'm motherfuckin gone. -When you are genuinely interested in one thing, it always leads to something else. -Feel it, breathe it, believe it and you'll be walking on air. -Today is a winding road that's taking me to places that I didn't want to go. -We all shine on, like the moon and the stars and the sun. We all shine on. -How to fight loneliness? Smile all the time :)
  • Futbols a lot. Spēlēju to ar prieku, kad varu.. :) Volejbols. Tas pats ir ar to. ^^ Mūzika. Klausos dubstepu, kas Manuprāt ir vienkārši dievīga mūzika. ;) Klausos arī pop, house, dnb un electro. League of legends. Yea, kā jau katram čalim, ir kāda datorspēle. :D Lūk Mana.. :) Tattoo.. Jā, tas tiešām patīk. :) Mīlu angļu valodu. :) Cenšos darīt to, kas ir pareizi, jo tam ir nozīme.
  • -Now accepting free cookies. ^^ -Start everyday with a smile and get it over with. -In life, there's no pause button, no rewind, and definitely no replay. -But whoever said, everybody gets a happy ending? -Life goes on and the roads always lead to unexpected destinations. -The spotlights will agree, i'm a show you've got to see. (hell yeah) -Everything will work out in the end, and if it's not okay, it's not the end. -You never know till you reach the top if it was worth the climb.

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