Eschatos albums "Hierophanies" saņēmis augstu vērtējumu...
- RT @Erick_willand: Sometimes, clicking on the suggestions Spotify throws at you pays off huge. Luminary Eye Against the Sky by Eschatos #Eschatos #metalhead #heavymetal #folkmetal
- RT @Noass_LV: 15. augustā uz klāja Eschatos. Ilgi gaidīti, beidzot sagaidīti!
- 3 years ago were released The Grand Noir. Get it for free today!
- RT @Metaleyes2: #eschatos #maere
Eschatos – Mære
Ascoltare questo ep per chi apprezza il post black/metal è un passo fondamentale, in attesa che giunga auspicabilmente quanto prima un nuovo full length...
- Sleepers T-shirts are here:
Sleepers I & II T-shirts were designed by French artist Vita Ivantcha for eschatos latest recording MÆRE released on December 1st, 2017.
- RT @Stranger_Aeons_: [Underground Sounds] Eschatos - MÆRE #latvia #blackmetal #progressive
Underground Sounds: Eschatos - MÆRE - Stranger Aeons
The Latvian black metallers Eschatos have in my opinion never made a bad record. 'MÆRE' is not an exception to this rule and perhaps their best record...
- RT @kilkimzaibu: Pavasarinėje KILKIM ŽAIBU puotoje kartu su patrakusiais avangardistais VULTURE INDUSTRIES siautės: ESCHATOS (Latvija), AUTISM ir ORB (Lietuva)! Informacija:
- RT @guidosegers: [Underground Sounds] Eschatos - MÆRE #latvia #blackmetal #progressive
Underground Sounds: Eschatos - MÆRE - Stranger Aeons
The Latvian black metallers Eschatos have in my opinion never made a bad record. 'MÆRE' is not an exception to this rule and perhaps their best record...
- RT @kilkimzaibu: Kartu su Vulture Industries pasirodymui į Vilnių atvyks Latvijos progresyvaus metalo komanda ESCHATOS, kuri jau spėjo mus maloniai pritrenkti paskutiniuoju savo aukštos prabos leidiniu MÆRE! EschatosKilkim Žaibu Fest on Twitter
“Kartu su Vulture Industries pasirodymui į Vilnių atvyks Latvijos progresyvaus metalo komanda ESCHATOS, kuri jau spėjo mus maloniai pritrenkti paskutiniuoju...
- RT @MartinsPlatais: Check out the interview with Eschatos on this March issue of _metalhammer
Martins Platais on Instagram: “Check out the interview with @eschatosrising on this March issue of @metalhammeruk”
33 Likes, 3 Comments - Martins Platais (@mplatais) on Instagram: “Check out the interview with @eschatosrising on this March issue of @metalhammeruk”
- Jau drīz, 3.02. svinēsim MÆRE un Darrva piecgadi @Balerija
- Check out MÆRE on YouTube:eschatos. "Luminary Eye Against the Sky"
"Luminary Eye Against the Sky" from the EP "MÆRE" (out on December 1, 2017). Featuring Einārs Latiševs on percussion. ------------------ http://eschat...
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