
Fani 1473
Žanri Rock / Folk Rock / Pop Rock

Showing gratitude to our fathers that have fought for our country and wishing Happy Birthday to Latvia we give you a song 'MY PRAY'.

r e : p u b l i c

Song: My Pray
Album: 'RE:LV'
Music: Peteris Asbahs, Janis Ribens, Aleksandr Volk
Lyrics: Janis Ribens, Laura Daudisa
Video author/CamOp/Editor: Ritvars Bluka

Late night
Hold you tight
With the light
I'll leave

Deep sky
Stars nearby
Who knows if I
Will return

With the dawn I will rise
With command I will go
I'll show no fear and no mercy
But back home
You've got tears, fire, emotions
You've got soul making me fly
If I fall down or get beaten know that I

For your shadow I'll pray
For your loving I'll pray
For the moments we shared
For the silence you say
You say

Late night...

Sleep well
My dear love now
Sleep well
Long is the road
My arms and my shadow
My heart - Your home

Sleep well and don't worry
Sleep well I am here
Sleep well, I'll be waiting
For days or years

For your shadow...…

iepriekšējā25. no 154nākamā


Ievietoja: re:public 18. nov 2014 06:05

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