- V-diena: 14. jūnijs
Jaunākie draugi
How to describe the feeling of not being a part of the essence of the world, As if your body or even your soul just doesn't belong, Feeling completely out of it, wrong. So much so that with just a bit more of this... sensation you could just Tear into yourself... Lasīt vairāk
... I suppose the longer the story, the more room for error but it could be filled with life And yet a shorter tale can be sweet, but it leaves out details, changes meaning to stay concise The short of it; Uncertain Relieving Unclear Comlicated The long... Lasīt vairāk
No one else can change our inner world for us, We can trust in other people, But we must know the limit of their influence. In this instance I play pretend, But the more I intend for someone else to do the work, The more I feel hurt; A void exists filled with... Lasīt vairāk
When did the world stop caring? It never did, I don't mean it didn't stop, I mean it never did. The people, and I mean on an individual level, Can be so empathetic, We can think we know, But none of us really get it though Remember the moonlit view, It... Lasīt vairāk
Es devos garām vietai, kur tikai atmiņas vairs dzīvos, Un mirkļi sastinguši mūžibu tur stāv. Un dažreiz pats, pie sevis klusām brīnos, Klusi un pie sevis, dažas sekundes jau gadiem ilgi stāv.
One evening, or maybe a day A few hours Or just a few minutes would be okay We'd meet up Talk, listen But by the end of it Neither of us would stay There's something to be gained from it There's a path set for the both of us But we still need to find a way I'm... Lasīt vairāk
This is just me talking to myself In my head, well, it's always quite nice My thoughts are always there for me It's not easy, but they stay concise; -I'm not good at talking to people -What's that are you saying we're not people -No, it's fine. We're both... Lasīt vairāk
"Lifting bars" I am left here alone, No friends, but it's still my home, Empty glass that I want to fill, Empty life 'cause I lack the will. I want to say something negative, My point of view is relative. I struggled these bars to fill, I got me or these... Lasīt vairāk
You take pity on me, And it's a pity Because it's on me to keep distance. In this instance I fight myself By myself I was content But now I contend With wanting your presence Desiring to only be in the present Or to pretend that I'm better now Then you... Lasīt vairāk
- 8. jan 23:43
Truth be told, I don't think I have been honestIt seems every time I tryThere's this mudThrough which both participants trudge throughHoping to reach the promised landThings get muddled, tarnished.We promise to fulfill our promiseOnly to fall short.Yet another... Lasīt vairāk