ღღღMarianna Dace Endzele ღღღ


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šodien 12:28 no mobilās versijas

24.12. Holy night in church worship service..It was fantastic.Everywhere burned candles, incense and spruce smell filled the room. Together we sang "Silent Night Holy Night"
The sense of community that so important to the church and humanity in the evening.I never thought this night could get there was so much peace and positive energy.choir sang so beautifully thought that angels sing, but they do not have wings ... very beautiful and plurality of voices, live accompaniment ... Flight deep deep down in self ... Great. If you believe your soul is saved ... Well I am so convinced.

iepriekšējā14. no 18nākamā

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Ievietoja: ღღღMarianna Dace Endzele ღღღ 25. dec 2013 02:11

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