Amerikāniete. Tagad Amerikā, but vienmēr mīlēšu Latviju!
...Arī teātri, kino, mūziku, vēsturi, politiku un mopšus.
- V-diena: 19. jūlijs
Jaunākie draugi
- Sāra Veldhuizen Stealy9. mar 2023 02:49no Twitter
- This is … a lot of liquid. 😩😩😩
#gavilyte #colonoscopy #colonoscopyprep #colonhealth #growingupisgettingold - World’s Most Beautiful Dog Turns Twelve, Celebrates with @JaarsmaBakery. ❤️
#Oskaloosa #Iowa #JaarsmaBakery #Jaarsma #DutchBakery - Just @gwrymca gaslighting me after cancelling my class. 🤨
- Hanging out at my quasi alma mater today! My @CentralCollege study abroad experience was one of the first steps in my #ForeignService journey. In #Pella? Stop by the Maytag Student Center before 5 p.m. to say hello. #CentralCollege #DIRCentral
- In other print news thoughts, I will be eagerly awaiting the @WKTimes follow-up on this!
- I got super-excited about this auction and then clicked on the description. I mean, still cool, but…
@TaraAriano @TomatoNation - We’re back in America and just moved into this adorable mid-century home, so I did a little vintage shopping at my dad’s house this weekend. That toothpick holder is … really something. Our rental car is tiny, so more vintage treasures to come on future trips!