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15. jūl 2018 09:20

Ģeogrāfija: Rīga
Skola(-as): Rīga Centra sākumskola
Rīgas Valsts 3. ģimnāzija
Vārda diena: 2. septembris
Par mani: Runā, ja cilvēks kaut ko ļoti, ļoti vēlās, tad tas piepildās! Acīm redzot, es neesmu cilvēks

I' m a slut because I'll wear shorts and a tank top. I'm a bitch because I don't let you push me around. I'm a liar because I won't tell you everything. I'm stupid because sometimes I'm wrong. I'm ugly because my face isn't perfect. I'm a whore because I like boys. I'm annoying because I'm not chill enough. I'm fake because most of the time I'm happy. I'm weird because I'm not like you.
Intereses: Pirms lēciena ir jāatceras viens:
Ne mazāk svarīgs arī ieskrējiens.
Citiem iesaku: Everyone wants to be happy, nobody wants to be in pain, but you can't make a rainbow, without the rain.