Ieva Preisa

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8. jan 13:42 no mobilās versijas

Iesauka: IevIx ><>
Skola(-as): RKĢ
Rīgas 1. bērnu mūzikas skola
Bolderājas mākslas un mūzikas skola
Vārda diena: 24. decembris
Par mani: The end of time is the start of eternity.
My last breath on earth will be my first in eternity.
(King Charles)
Citiem iesaku: The music is all around us, all you have to do is listen! ("August Rush")

"Do not pity the dead... Pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love." ((Albus Dumbledore) "Harry Potter")

The key to success and excellency: Do your BEST (!!!!!) and God will do the rest!