Arnis Ševeļkovs (41)

Pēdējo reizi manīts

4. nov 2015 23:38

Iesauka: ...
Darba vieta: A/S "UPB" ,
sales engineer
HEAVY structures
Skola(-as): Liepājas 15.vsk.
RTU, BF 2002-2008
Vārda diena: 7. jūnijs
Par mani: X3M Forever....
Intereses: Sports - florbols, futbols, galda teniss, mūzika - pop, hip hop, Electro House, Vocal Trance, atpūta - disco, Relax...
Citiem iesaku: Nothing is less in our power than the heart,
and far from commanding we are forced to obey it.