- V-diena: 11. jūnijs
- SIA "Mapon", IT
- Limbažu 1. vsk, LU programmētājs, LU Datorzinātņu bakalaurs, LU Datorzinātņu maģistrs, RTU MBA Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- it, web, photo, bla bla bla
Jaunākie draugi
- Estonia sues Gemalto for 152M euros over ID card flaws
Nez, ja līdzīgas auzas būtu LV, mēs iesūdzētu tiesā piegādātāju?Estonia sues Gemalto for 152 mln euros over ID card flaws
Estonian police are seeking to recover 152 million euros ($178 mln) in a lawsuit...
- Russian nuclear scientists arrested for 'Bitcoin mining plot'
'Bitcoin' arrests at Russian nuclear lab
Reports say scientists at a Russian nuclear bomb factory tried to mine crypto-currencies.
- Researchers find that one person likely drove Bitcoin from $150 to $1,000
Researchers find that one person likely drove Bitcoin from $150 to $1,000
Researchers Neil Gandal, JT Hamrick, Tyler Moore, and Tali Oberman have written a fascinating paper on Bitcoin price manipulation. Entitled “Price Manipulation...
After trying to build self-driving tractors for more than 20 years, John Deere has learned a hard truth about autonomy
Farming is more than just driving in a straight line.
- pamanīts galerijā Pieredzes stāsti 3.0. Paldies Jānim Palkavniekam
- Done
- Draugiem Group pieredzes stāsti III
Draugiem Group pieredzes stāsti III
Visefektīvākais mācīšanās veids ir no paša pieredzes, taču visgudrākais- no citu pieredzes. Trīspadsmit gadu laikā ir uzkrāta liela programmēšanas (gan...
- Ten Year Futures
Ten Year Futures
Now that mobile is maturing and its growth is slowing, everyone in tech turns to thinking about what the Next Big Thing will be. It's easy to say that...