George Rutkay
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I'm a quiet guy who does not like nonsense. I want only the honest good in the world my children gro...
- Guelph
- Early retired. Before that, I worked at a career day "Electronics Engineering" management, production, circuit design and debug.
- I went to the "DeVry" the university to get my degree in computer science and electronics engineering. I also had a lot of lessons in different musical instrument expressions, and I tried my hand to make Kokles. But it is better if I play than to make them.
- Music and electronics engineers, amateur radio, electromagnetic waves, harmonies, melodies and the effect on the mind. Speaking my mind. Remaining faithful to the good values of my ancestors.
- Keep up the good that God has created in you alive. Do not seek popularity or social status. Honorary truth and exactly where you find them, be not afraid to confront and rebuke the evil no matter it's form. In the world filled with gossip and corrupt ideas, the wickedness that flows swiftly in small seeds of ideas takes root in minds and hearts. There can be the only pure things which you need to find which keeps you in the hope of a better tomorrow.