Šis lietotājs nav vēlējies saņemt dāvanas ārpus draugu loka!
Pēdējo reizi manīta
31. jan 22:47 no mobilās versijas
*I don't trust anyone who smiles before 9am.
- Rīga
- V-diena: 28. novembris
- SIA "Evolution Latvia"
- Pētera pamatskola Drustu pamatskola Jaunpiebalgas vidusskola
- *Never make somebody your everything, cause when they're gone you've got nothing... *If you don't do stupid shit while you're young, you'll have nothing to smile about when you're old. *Sometimes all you gotta do is say, "fuck it," and move on. *Don't judge a book by its cover unless the book is a fucking annoying bitch who needs to be high fived in the face with a chair. *What doesn't kill you fucks you up mentally. *The nicer you are, the easier you're hurt. So just be a bitch