JHVH kanibāls
3 video • 14. apr 2021 09:33
Cindy K Currier pierāda ka kristieši piemuļķoti pielūgt kanibālisma dēmonu
God is a cannibal
Līdzīgi kā Ditta un Leifs Cindy izsludinājusi Cindyjas pasaules valstību, bet bez savas naudas sistēmas.
America the Nation Newspaper: http://www.americathenation.news/
Law of the Land Handbook, pdf: https://tinyurl.com/y367o2rc
Law of the Land Ha...VairākCindy K Currier pierāda ka kristieši piemuļķoti pielūgt kanibālisma dēmonu
God is a cannibal
Līdzīgi kā Ditta un Leifs Cindy izsludinājusi Cindyjas pasaules valstību, bet bez savas naudas sistēmas.
America the Nation Newspaper: http://www.americathenation.news/
Law of the Land Handbook, pdf: https://tinyurl.com/y367o2rc
Law of the Land Handbook, Audio only: https://youtu.be/vRbZixxuXrM
Law of the Land Handbook, 5”X7” paperback: https://littlecreekbooks.weebly.com
Affirmation & Letters of Agreement: https://tinyurl.com/y9wgf595
Order of Events for Communities Transitioning to Natural Law: https://tinyurl.com/2o4wzwrg
Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Plan: https://tinyurl.com/1bbghfv5
Criminal Trial: Heirs of Creation v. U.S. Corporation: https://youtu.be/PJCIcE0ZUdA
How the Universe was Returned to the People: https://youtu.be/vTiBEC-Ygf0
How I became the 19th President of the United States of America: https://youtu.be/LUok3O6zyWk
The Great Reset: https://youtu.be/_Jx0OAMMBX4
Heirship Trust: https://heirshiptrust.weebly.com