Nirnbergas koda noziegumi CVDlēģerī. Tiesai Hāgā
1 attēls • 3 video • 12. dec 2021 13:48!:1/Dr.-Julie-Ponesse--The-Faith-and-Democracy-Series:4
The Democracy Fund present Dr. Julie Ponesse in the Faith and Democracy.
She is quite a lady.
InfoWars Nirnbergas koda 10 punkti ar liecību par noziegumiem CVD lēģeros.
A Nirunberg II like application to International Criminal Court in Hague Netherlands.
The Democracy Fund present Dr. Julie Ponesse in the Faith and Democracy.
She is quite a lady.
InfoWars Nirnbergas koda 10 punkti ar liecību par noziegumiem CVD lēģeros.
A Nirunberg II like application to International Criminal Court in Hague Netherlands.…
International Criminal Court Office of the Prosecutor Communications Post Office Box 19519 2500 CM The Hague The Netherlands EMAIL: BEFORE THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (TREATY OF ROME STATUTE, ART. 15.1 AND 53) Subject of complaint: - Violations of the Nuremberg Code - Violation of Article 6 of the Rome Statute - Violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statute - Violation of Article 8 of the Rome - Violation of Article 8 bis3 of the Rome Statute Based on the extensive claims and enclosed documentation, we charge those responsible for numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression in the United Kingdom, but not limited to individuals in these countries.
Perpetrators: Prime Minister for the United Kingdom BORIS JOHNSON, Chief Medical Officer for England and Chief Medical Adviser to the UK Government CHRISTOPHER WHITTY, (former) Secretary of State for Health and Social Care MATTHEW HANCOCK, (current) Secretary of State for Health and Social Care SAJID JAVID, Chief Executive of Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) JUNE RAINE, Director-General of the World Health Organisation TEDROS ADANHOM GHEBREYESUS, Co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation WILLIAM GATES III and Co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation MELINDA GATES, Chairman and Chief executive officer of Pfizer ALBERT BOURLA, Chief Executive Officer of AstraZeneca STEPHANE BANCEL, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna PASCAL SORIOT, Chief Executive of Johnson and Johnson ALEX GORSKY, President of the Rockefeller Foundation DR RAJIV SHAH, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) DR ANTHONY FAUCI, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum KLAUS SCWAB, President of EcoHealth Alliance DR PETER DASZACK
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